The Weekly Liturgy :: Week of 10/10/21

Gather - We begin our Liturgy in corporate worship by coming together and acknowledging who God is through the Acclamation. God’s character and presence frames our corporate worship and this is also the way we begin our Weekly Liturgy whether we engage it personally or in a group setting.

  • How did you experience God’s character and presence this week (joys, struggles, breakthroughs)?

Word - We desire for God’s Word to always be on our minds, upon our lips, and deep in our hearts. We want to read, reflect, listen, and respond to God’s word as we are formed more deeply as disciples of Jesus.

  • Read Mark 5:18-20 and Joshua 4:1-7

  • Reflect on these passages either individually or with others. You can also use these questions:

Billy Waters

Billy is the Lead Pastor of Wellspring Church in Englewood, Colorado.


Initiative for Faith in Culture Launch


The Weekly Liturgy :: Week of 10/3/21