The Weekly Liturgy :: Week of 6/26/2022
Gather - We begin our Liturgy in corporate worship by coming together and acknowledging who God is through the Acclamation. God’s character and presence frames our corporate worship and this is also the way we begin our Weekly Liturgy whether we engage it personally or in a group setting.
How did you experience God’s character and presence this week (joys, struggles, breakthroughs)?
Word - We desire for God’s Word to always be on our minds, upon our lips, and deep in our hearts. We want to read, reflect, listen, and respond to God’s word as we are formed more deeply as disciples of Jesus.
Read Exodus 2-4, Exodus 3:11-15 and John 8:54-58.
Reflect on these passages either individually or with others. You can also use these questions:
With the reading of Exodus 2-4 and after listening to the sermon, what stood out to you? Why?
Re-read Exodus 2:1-10. Reflect on God's sovereignty in utilizing small and desperate situations to bring about his glory.
The Israelites were in bondage for 400 years before getting delivered. Moses spent 40 years in the desert. Also, look at Luke 8:40-56. What does this say about God's timing? How does this apply to your life?
In Exodus 3:11-12, Moses didn't need qualifications or a pedigree to be used by God but only God's presence. How is this value different than the world's perspective? Reflect on what Jesus says in John 15, 'apart from me you can do nothing.'
We mentioned that our identity is something that we can't create but can only be received by our creator God. What are the implications for that reality? How would you describe your identity?
In regards to your identity, what aspect do you struggle with most? What is most stable?
Re-read Exodus 3:11-15. What stands out about the name and nature of God?
In light of Exodus 2-4, what is the Holy Spirit saying to you?
Listen to the Holy Spirit. How is God speaking to you through this passage?
Respond through confession and repentance.
Questions to engage either corporately or silently: What have you put in place of God or given your heart to this week? What sin do you need to repent of? What area are you not trusting your identity is in Christ? Encourage one another to turn to God and receive his forgiveness and grace. (Consider praying our Corporate Confession together).
Prayer - Spend a few minutes praying into the areas God has spoken to you about. Pray for one another, for the non-believers in your lives, and for the world. (Consider praying through the Lord’s Prayer).
Sending - We are all called and sent out into the world to bring the message of the Gospel. Where are you being sent this week to share Jesus through your actions and words? Is there a specific person or area you need to reach out to or pray for?