Transformational Prayer :: A New Wellspring Ministry

Have you ever wished that God would just show up and speak to you? Is there an area of your life that, no matter how hard you try, you just can’t seem to get a handle on? If so, join the club. You’re not alone. I live much of my life in that space too.

If this is you, I want to offer you some good news. There is a brand-new ministry at Wellspring that is designed to provide a space for you to encounter the presence of God in your life in a way that brings personal inner healing, transformation, and growth. This new ministry is called “Transformational Prayer” and exists to see people made whole in the presence of God. The premise of transformational prayer is simply that God is healer, God is present, and with God’s loving presence comes healing and wholeness. 

Through this ministry, you will have the opportunity to bring specific elements of your life story into the presence of community and, ultimately, the healing presence of God. You will meet with two trained prayer ministers who will invite you into a space where you can encounter God’s healing presence. The focus of a transformational prayer session will not be the receipt of intercessory prayer from another person, but rather creating space for you to do your own deep, personal work with our healing Father.

If you would like to register for a session, or learn more about Wellspring’s Transformational Prayer Ministry, click here! We will be offering prayer sessions beginning on November 4th.

Myself and our team of prayer ministers count it as a privilege and a blessing to step into your stories and journey with you in this way. We look forward to meeting with you – and the Lord – very soon.


Zach DeBoer

Zach DeBoer

Zach DeBoer is the Leader of the Transformational Prayer Ministry at Wellspring Church in Englewood, Colorado.


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