Weekly Liturgy :: Children and Family :: Week of 5/16


Gather and read aloud about life in the Spirit: Romans 8:12-17; John 3:5-7 

Work on the memory verse for this week…

“If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved”.  Romans 10:9

Scripture :: Please Read Aloud :: Romans 8:12-17; John 3:5-7

When Jesus came to Earth, the rules changed. Jesus came to help us form a great relationship with God and be a part of God's family. We have been invited to a new family, with laws that help us love, forgive, be patient, put others first, and have joy in times of trouble! And the Holy Spirit helps us follow those rules so we can love our family better! 

Click on the “spiritual” family tree below and fill it in together or individually.  Talk about who brought you to Christ.  Who is helping form your faith today?  What gifts and talents do you see in your family members?  Where is the fruit of your faith?  



Father, we know you are working even when we can’t see you!  Forgive us in the ways we are blind to you.  We confess when we can’t see you we grasp for control and even manipulate or judge our circumstances.  We can do nothing apart from you Father, our most merciful God. 

Corporate Confession


Pray for those in need (health, sorrow, marginalized, refugees)

Holy Spirit, please overflow in us so that we may know you better.  May your spirit of love, holiness, patience and grace be upon us so that we share your spirit naturally with those around us.   

The Lord's Prayer


May we look for the Holy Spirit moving in our midst!  Send us out with eyes to see and hearts to love everyone!

Maddie Thomas

Maddie Thomas is the Connecting Coordinator at Wellspring Church in Englewood, Co.


Weekly Liturgy :: Sermon Based :: Week of 5/16


The Ascension :: 2021