Weekly Liturgy :: Children and Family :: Week of 6/13


Teach the Hand Jive!  Play some fun music if you can!  Here’s one idea

  1. Pat your thighs twice.

  2. Clap twice.

  3. Wave your hands, one over the other, in front of your chest. Then do it with the other hand on top.

  4. Bump your fists twice, one on top of the other. Then do it with the other fist on top.

  5. Point your right thumb over your right shoulder twice, then your left thumb over your left shoulder twice.  

Scripture :: Please Read Aloud :: Mark 3

Family Discipleship Questions

  1. How did Jesus treat the man with the withered hand?

  2. Why was Jesus willing to heal him on the Sabbath?

  3. Why were the Pharisees upset about Jesus healing on the Sabbath?

  4. How did Jesus feel about the Pharisees? (he was angry because they had hard hearts)


Father, forgive us for the ways our hearts are hardened.  Show us Father where you want to soften our hearts towards You________ , towards a family member________ towards a friend ___________.   Forgive us for the ways we don’t see You and we turn against you.   

Corporate Confession


Lord, we pray for those who need healing in body, mind or soul ___________________________. Show us Lord daily who to have softer hearts for and may we share your love, strength and power with them.

The Lord's Prayer


May we go forth looking for ways to see God in our midst, believing He can do all things!

Maddie Thomas

Maddie Thomas is the Connecting Coordinator at Wellspring Church in Englewood, Co.


The Book of Mark :: Chapter 4:35-41


Weekly Liturgy :: Sermon Based :: Week of 6/13