Do you ever find yourself wondering, "Who are my people?"

More than ever, we need to know who our people are. We need people we can do life with, and encourage each other in our Kingdom living with vulnerability and grace.

A couple of weeks ago, you heard about the Neighborhood Flock model that we are in the process of developing. As Wellspring grows bigger, we want to “grow smaller” (keep a small church feeling, create environments of being seen, known, and loved) by creating Neighborhood Flocks. A Neighborhood Flock is a geographically-rooted group of 50-100 adults, plus children. By the end of 2020-2021, there will be 7 neighborhoods throughout our greater Denver area. Outside of Sunday morning, these neighborhoods are our primary space of belonging, connecting, and caring for one another. 

So the first step in finding your people is by meeting folks in your Neighborhood. You can do that through Connecting Events happening in your area. We have a lot of Connecting Events coming up this Fall, so watch for an invitation in your inbox, or keep checking out this webpage for all the Connecting Event opportunities. (Questions about your Neighborhood Flock specifically or in general? Contact Tara Malouf). Also, we are looking for people who are interested in being Lay Shepherds over these Neighborhood Flocks. Contact Tara if you’d like more information!

However, the breadth a Neighborhood provides is not the same as the depth of a Life Group. Neighborhoods are designed for everyone to know they BELONG at Wellspring and can CONNECT; Life Groups are a way we say “yes” to a close-knit group of people who commit to a process of FORMATION. 

Life Groups: 

Life Groups seek to follow the life of Christ, which was characterized by UP (worship and study), IN (intentional relationships) and OUT (mission). The ultimate purpose of a Life Group is that people would be formed in the likeness of Jesus Christ. While every Life Group will have a unique identity, we do desire that our Life Groups consistently participate in the following rhythms: a meal, prayer, study, and mission.

We believe Life Groups are vital to our life in Christ as it provides a greater chance to be deeply known and grow together as disciples. If you have “your people” in another context outside Wellspring, that is great! If not, check out our Life Groups in the next couple of weeks as they kick off for the fall. Or, you could start your own!! For more information about Life Groups, contact Katie Gayle.

Tara Malouf

Tara Malouf is the Community Life Pastor at Wellspring Church in Englewood, Colorado.


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Staff Profile :: Sara Kidd