Parenting Resource - Check out Chewbacca Mom!

“Parents set the tone and the atmosphere in their homes by their attitude and by their joy.  The tone a parent uses with a child is the tone the child will speak over themselves”.  -- Candace Payne, Chewbacca Mom

Remember that wonderful video that circulated around the internet last year? The mom who just about lost her marbles laughing at herself in a Chewbacca mask? If you never saw it, watch it here.


Here is a video of her talking about her rise to YouTube fame on James Corden.


Turns out, Candace (the mom in the video) has some WONDERFUL thoughts on parenting and joy!

We get trapped in our thoughts, fears and anxieties.  We need to remember God is whimsical and also faithful!  When we recall his faithfulness we shift our mindset from stress to gratitude and joy.

One practical way to do this is to have a list of family affirmations!  Pray with your family and make a specific list of affirmations tailored just for you!  You can work with scriptures but also hear from the Lord the specific ways He has designed and called your family.  Candace references a family that has 19 family affirmations and they recite them in the car every day!  

One example is “I am a new creation, no longer do I have to form my thoughts to the pattern of yesterday”.  

Sarah Siegler

Sarah Siegler is the Parent Discipleship Pastor at Wellspring Church in Englewood, Colorado.


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