Staff Profile :: Theo Young

Hi Wellspring!

Welcome to Staff Profiles: our interview-style news-pieces, featuring the incredible members of our Wellspring Staff. Our team is a vibrant group of disciples who love Jesus, love each other, and love the work we engage on a day-to-day basis. As we explore a mixture of both light-hearted and in-depth questions in these interviews, we hope they will shine a spotlight on the unique individuals of this family. (If you would like to read some other profiles you may have missed, you can locate them under the “Fun Stuff” tab on the Good News page).

This week, we have the pleasure of spending some time with Theo Young. Theo is a remarkable human being who I am immensely grateful to call a friend. He serves on staff at Wellspring as our Compassion Coordinator, through which he ministers to The Well community in a variety of different capacities. Aside from this, Theo lives his life in a posture of prayer and reverence for The Lord. He listens to and loves those around him with profound intentionality, revealing Jesus to his community as he assures them that they are seen and known. Theo hails from Kansas City, and he will gladly talk to you about the local barbecue and the KC Chiefs; however, what he might not tell you is that when he has an electric guitar in his hands, some Kansas City Blues starts flowing from his soul. When I sit down behind the drum kit and Theo is in the room, he knows how to have a jam sesh. So, hit the mountains with him, grab a beer, and ask him about his favorite album. You will be blessed. Here’s Theo Young, y’all. 

Question 1: Tell us about your family.

I am blessed to be part of an awesome family! I'm the third of four kids and we are spread all over the U.S., so whenever we get the chance to all get together, it's a great time. My wife Cassidy and I have been married for almost 3 years, she's my best friend!

Question 2: What is your favorite fiction and non-fiction book? What do you like about them?

My favorite fiction book is “The Lord of the Rings.” I think I’ve read it 6 times and it just keeps getting better every time. I love the amazing depth of the book and have found it a helpful story to lean on during difficult times. My favorite non fiction is probably “Into the Silence.” It's about the generation of mountain climbers who fought in WWI then made the first attempts on Mount Everest in the 1920’s. I'm very inspired by their pursuit of adventure and perseverance in the face of extremely hard circumstances.

Question 3: What is an interesting fact about you that we wouldn’t already know?

When I was growing up I lived in Rwanda for 2 years where my family was involved in medical mission work. 

Question 4: What is one of your favorite spots in Denver and why?

Not sure if this counts as Denver but I love to go to Lair O’ the Bear Park especially in the Fall, it's just very peaceful there.

Question 5: Who is a person (friend, family member, author, musician, etc.) that has made a significant impact on your life? How have they contributed to who you are today?

My dad has made a really significant impact on my life. He instilled in me a love for the mountains, music, and sports. I look up to the way he always keeps an eye out for the needy and loves people well! Most of all he modeled for me a consistent and faithful relationship with Jesus.

Question 6: When church is over on Sunday, where would we find you and what would you be doing?

Either on a road/trail riding my bike or at home celebrating a Kansas City Chiefs victory!

Question 7: Share a story from a neat place you have traveled to. 

In college I had the amazing opportunity to study early christian worship in the countries of Jordan and Israel. While there, I went to an early morning mass at the Church of the Holy Sepulcher where the tomb of Jesus is traditionally said to be located. This was an incredibly powerful experience for me as I experienced the presence of the Lord and  began to value sacred space and sacramental worship.

Question 8: What have you been learning lately through your relationship with Jesus?

His love is remarkably nearer than I had even imagined. I don't have to vie for his attention because he longs to be in relationship with me! He's so good.

Jeff Gayle

Jeff is the Operations Director at Wellspring Church in Englewood, Colorado.


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