Winter Gear Drive :: Thank You!!

Hello Wellspring Family,

Thank you so much for your generosity throughout our 2021 Winter Gear Drive. This has been a huge help to many of our friends experiencing the difficulties of living outdoors this season. 

Throughout the course of the Winter Gear Drive Wellspring collected:

  • 80 Winter Coats 

  • 38 Sleeping Bags

  • 11 Tarps

  • 150 Winter Hats

  • 20 Emergency blankets

  • 81 Pairs of Gloves

  • 20 Blankets

  • And many more other items

In addition to your generous donations, Craig Hospital brought a huge donation in three separate vehicles with items which we were able to distribute to our partner agencies as well as the Englewood Christmas Store. 

Donations were distributed to the Well, Severe Weather Shelter Network, Englewood Police Department, South Suburban Park Rangers, Movement 5280, Englewood Library, South Metro Fire Department, Greenwood Village Police Department, Gracefull Cafe and The Englewood Christmas Store. These partners have been distributing items to folks in the most need over the past several weeks.

Thanks again Wellspring for your generous giving which the Lord has used to care for his beloved children experiencing hardship this winter. 

May the Lord Bless You,
Theo Young

Theo Young

Theo Young is the Compassion Coordinator at Wellspring Church in Englewood, Colorado.


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